Saturday 15 June 2013

Rituals, Workshops,Writing......and Work!!

Yikes, it's been a while - but I'm so flipping busy now that the blog is taking a bit of a back seat to everything else - which is good but not good at the same time....

So, what have I been up to since we last spoke .........

8th June saw me at the KW Hawthorn Ritual... we played with bubbles, fairies and Smurfs!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I've ever giggled so much through a ritual - but it is hard to keep a straight face when playing with Smurfs

I've also been attending and writing Workshops - we are pretty much fully booked for the next two KW workshops and the lovely Tansy has already started talking about a third - she keeps me busy that one!!!

Image found courtesy of google, original artist unknown

I'm also flat out at work .... so today I decided to take some time off and just spend it with Hubby and go where the wind blows ........ it blew me to town and to Waterstones and to the counter to purchase The Ascended Master Oracle Cards......... life is good!!!!

I will be back soon with some rhyming words - until then ...

love, light and angel blessings to you all

Raven x x x

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