Monday 24 June 2013

Picking your battles ............

Odd choice for a Witchy blog title post - but, given recent events I thought I'd blog my thoughts....

It seems the Super Moon energy has been a bit busy if you look at the Pagan community on FB, I hadn't been there for a while and given that I had some time over the weekend I had a quick scroll through and it seems that there has been a lot of tension lately.

From complaints about Ritual etiquette to the trolls that seem to gravitate towards the more vocal members... there have been a few times when reading the various discussions that I've been tempted to wade in and offer my point of view ........... so, what's stopped me you ask.........

Well, the answer is fairly simple, in the grand scheme of things these things are trivial and I have bigger battles to fight....

Would my opinion really matter to those that seem to think they run the Pagan community and that their word is law?? Would my reasoning really change the internet hardened troll to stop bullying and gossiping and basically, wind their necks in .......... sadly no........ I'm not that powerful (but don't tell hubby that!!!)

My, personal opinion is that technology has a big part to play in the ease of which these arguments can escalate and quickly become personal - the computer is a buffer - sit these people down in a room and there is no way on earth that they would say the things they say on FB and on blogs ....

Don't get me wrong - technology and the internet are a wonderful invention - they bring families together all over the world with a mere click of a button they can be seen and heard via Skype (or other messaging systems).  No more waiting weeks for the postman to deliver a letter with a reply to a question you asked three weeks earlier ... it's a matter of hours now.... that's the plus side..........

The negative...... well, there is no more social interaction, there is no more eye contact .... the person that just called  you a C You Next Tuesday on the internet could well be a little old lady more given to handing out cupcakes at the local WI then the cold eye'd internet warrior she makes herself out to be!

The eyes are the mirrors of the soul - it's easier to shout and holler at a person in a call centre on the 'phone then shout and holler at them in person....

Personally, I don't like conflict of any type, I'd rather walk away or turn the computer off then engage in that sort of behaviour but it seems that more and more people enjoy this way of life and I guess it can become addictive because you don't even have to read the responses - so you will always be right and whomever, or whatever you are arguing about become irrelevant as you 'point score'.

Anyway, now that's out (and yes I see the irony of me typing this on the internet) - I will now go and spend sometime enjoying this lovely evening away from the computer.

love and blessings to all

Raven x x x

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