Thursday 21 February 2013

Busy Days and Hectic nights ....

Why is it that nowdays everything has to happen at a 'mile a minute' it seems that if we are not constantly doing something we seem to think we are failing at something or other...

At work, at home, everywhere it seems people are rushing around 'doing' - but are they, or should I say, am I actually being productive??

I work with numbers, spread sheets all day long when I come home sometimes the last thing I want to do is sit looking at another computer screen to 'do' more stuff - so, if I give myself a night off from computers do I actually do anything??

Yes I do, I sit and moan about how busy I am and never have the chance to do the things I want to do - because I am always doing what I 'need' to do... which is counter-productive because then I feel guilty that I haven't done the thing that I should have been doing on the computer!

So, I'm putting a POA into place, (plan of action) or to be more exact a POnA... I am going to make sure I take a time out each day to sit and sip a cup of coffee (instead of gulping it down lukewarm/stone cold) - I'm going to take time to just 'be' - not to meditate, or read but just to be still .........

How can I fully listen to the Inner voice, if I am constantly bombarding my ears with sound, how can I see the signs that the Universe put there for me to see if I'm blinded by the computer glare........

Taking a time out is beneficial and for once I'm not going to beat myself up if for five minutes I sit and stare into space without a single thought in my head .......... who knows I may even enjoy doing nothing just for the sake of doing nothing!

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