Sunday, 17 November 2013

Speaking my truth ...........

I've struggled for a long time with whether to post a blog about this or not - but being on the Path I am means that I accept and live by Perfect Love and Perfect Trust and that means being true to myself as much as it means being honest with others ...........

So, what has been gnawing away at me......... well, it's quite simply this - people believing that they can teach others without any experience to draw upon....

I've been studying and learning my Craft for years, I've read, I've practised and I've done loads - but does that entitle me to teach all aspects of the craft ....... no it doesn't........ there are things I only know in 'theory' and wouldn't dream of telling others how to do it - I may offer an opinon, I may offer an additional point of view - but run a workshop or teach it .......... no way!!!

I've taught myself how to read the Runes, I read them by intuition .........BUT......... i've read loads of books, I've studied others and I've read the runes for people and learnt by their feedback.

I'm currently studying Angelic Reiki, and one day I hope to teach others - but that's years in the future as I have to get enough experience under my belt to be able to help in any situation that arises. 

I've been attuned to Usui Reiki and I've used it to heal my husband, myself and friends and family - but again I've got years on this Path working with it on a weekly, if not daily basis before I would feel qualified to teach it .............

Being attuned to Master/Teacher Reiki does not necessarily give you the automatic right to go out and teach it to others ........ you are working with the highest energy possible, you are working on other peoples energy and you have to be of the purest intent when doing so........ you wouldn't pass your driving test and then the next week start teaching others - you have no experience of the road to pass on any knowledge!

So, if you are thinking of learning any aspect of this Craft, or of any Healing module then please be diligent - check out the credentials of the person offering to teach you, find out how long they have been actually doing what it is that you are enquiring about, find out where and who they learned from - any reputable 'teacher' would have no problem with you doing that ............

Being a Reiki Master is a long road of working with and for others - it's not a one stop shop - the healing that you are being trained to do is of the highest calling and shouldn't be entered into lightly - you are learning  an ancient healing that can not be learned in a day!

love Lesley x x x

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