Friday, 29 November 2013

Friday night .............

I remember when Friday night was THE night - coming home from work, grabbing something to eat and then heading upstairs to get ready for a night on the town with the tunes pumping and the drinks flowing ......

LOL, not anymore it takes me too long to recover!!!

This Friday night I'm going to stay home and spend some time with the Grandkids, and watch the darts and have an early night ......... am I old .......... nope!

I actually don't feel mentally any different now to how I did then - the difference is ............. well, my Path for one - it's hard to work with the Angels whilst recovering from a mamoth hangover and would I be any kind of healer if I tried to heal while feeling like death warmed over!?

And, this weeked I have a fantastic weekend lined up working with the Angels as I graduate from my Angelic Lightworker course ......... I have learned so much, not only about the Angels, ArchAngels and the Ascended Masters but also about myself .........

I am a complex human, I have frailities, I have fears, I have doubts and I have moments when I just want to chuck it all in and give up .......... but, this Path, this life that I am living always, ALWAYS gives me the reason to go on - to keep dreaming, to keep searching, to keep learning and living.... the blessings and joy outweigh any saddness or sorrow and I know when I look around me and see the rainbow, the spiders cobweb on a wintry morn, the smile of the Grandkids.  When I hear the chuckle of a baby, when I hear the laughter of a loved one - that I matter, that I am part of a multi-layered wheel of life and that I should (and am) be grateful for every single experience.

Tonight when I turn in I'm going to be grateful for the peace and quiet that seems so loud after the Grandkids leave, but while they are here I will be grateful for the love, laughter, tears and tantrums that two under sixes can produce ........!!!

love and blessings to you all

Lesley x x x

Friday, 22 November 2013

Ribbons and Runes ............

image courtesy of google search - author unknown

Hmmm - great name for a FB page :D

This last week or so I've been working on Ribbon readings and writing a Rune workshop - hence the title.. and do you know what - I feel pretty good ...which is unusual for this time of year.........

Normally, I am fretting about presents not yet purchased, food not yet bought and who is going where and when - but this year I'm going to go with the flow!

I've also been working on myself, ............ now that is usual for this time of year - I start to reflect and look back on the year and all the good and not so good that I've gone through to get to this point ..........have to say this year has been a MASSIVE improvement on last year - only one funeral and one wedding!

Weighing up my year it has been one of immense highs and of stepping not only out of my comfort zone but taking a leap into another continent!!!

I've hosted workshops with support and in December on my own, I've taken courses and learnt so many new things, I've helped people through working with the Angels, I've mentored some awesome people on their own Path's and had the privilage of sharing their journey with them ....

I've been on retreats, ate far too much cake, I've laughed, I've cried, I've drummed up a storm - I've made some new friends that mean the world to me and lost some old friends along the Path, but I know that if it is meant to be then we will meet again...

I've strengthend bonds that have been made over many lifetimes - sometimes those bonds have stretched thin but they have stayed intact.... despite me being a pain the derriere!

I've worked hard, I've played hard, I've made mistakes and I've strived to be the best that I can be at all times - I've been true to myself and to my Path and that's cost me at times - but - I've been me .... and that really is all I can ever be!

This year isn't finished yet - I will be graduating as an Angelic Lightworker next weekend, I'm running the Rune workshop and I'm getting my Angelic Reiki level II and all before Christmas..... LOL

I am so very, very blessed - but through all of this year, the good, the bad, the downright ugly, one person has stood by my side, held my hand, wiped my tears and been my rock - so this is a massive shout out to the person that means the world to me and without whom I wouldn't be the person I am ......... Gordon Lightbody ...... my best friend, my husband, my Soul mate!

love and angel blessings to you all

Lesley x x x

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Speaking my truth ...........

I've struggled for a long time with whether to post a blog about this or not - but being on the Path I am means that I accept and live by Perfect Love and Perfect Trust and that means being true to myself as much as it means being honest with others ...........

So, what has been gnawing away at me......... well, it's quite simply this - people believing that they can teach others without any experience to draw upon....

I've been studying and learning my Craft for years, I've read, I've practised and I've done loads - but does that entitle me to teach all aspects of the craft ....... no it doesn't........ there are things I only know in 'theory' and wouldn't dream of telling others how to do it - I may offer an opinon, I may offer an additional point of view - but run a workshop or teach it .......... no way!!!

I've taught myself how to read the Runes, I read them by intuition .........BUT......... i've read loads of books, I've studied others and I've read the runes for people and learnt by their feedback.

I'm currently studying Angelic Reiki, and one day I hope to teach others - but that's years in the future as I have to get enough experience under my belt to be able to help in any situation that arises. 

I've been attuned to Usui Reiki and I've used it to heal my husband, myself and friends and family - but again I've got years on this Path working with it on a weekly, if not daily basis before I would feel qualified to teach it .............

Being attuned to Master/Teacher Reiki does not necessarily give you the automatic right to go out and teach it to others ........ you are working with the highest energy possible, you are working on other peoples energy and you have to be of the purest intent when doing so........ you wouldn't pass your driving test and then the next week start teaching others - you have no experience of the road to pass on any knowledge!

So, if you are thinking of learning any aspect of this Craft, or of any Healing module then please be diligent - check out the credentials of the person offering to teach you, find out how long they have been actually doing what it is that you are enquiring about, find out where and who they learned from - any reputable 'teacher' would have no problem with you doing that ............

Being a Reiki Master is a long road of working with and for others - it's not a one stop shop - the healing that you are being trained to do is of the highest calling and shouldn't be entered into lightly - you are learning  an ancient healing that can not be learned in a day!

love Lesley x x x

Sunday, 10 November 2013

October ............. saying Goodbye and saying hello!!

Well, what an odd month October has been - the biggest things that have happened is that I've said Goodbye to the Kitchen Witch school - the decision was taken with a lot of sadness, heartache and grief...

I had lived, breathed and delighted in the school for two years, there had been laughs, triumphs, tears and sorrow - but I had reached the end of my road there ....

So, that was my goodbye - I have (and still am grieving) for what could have been but, it was not to be...

I called in the Angels and asked them to show me where the next part of my journey was going and HELLO!!! - the first call I had was to write a Rune workshop ........ me........... and whilst I was flattered I was also terrified and fluffed an answer - but - the Angels weren't going to let me off that easily! and I was asked again - this time not only did I say yes - I even agreed a date!!!!

December is going to be a very productive month for me :D

I've set up a new forum, I've agreed to meet local Pagans - so all in all while I may feel that I've left my Path behind - the reality is - I'm on to exciting adventures with the Angels and my guides to walk with me.........

Wanna come along for the ride??

love Lesley x x x