Thursday, 24 July 2014

And the circle ever turns....

.......... and isn't it a wonderful ride :)

I am feeling very blessed and happy today, I am booking workshops and taking courses, sharing the wonderful healing of the Angels and strengthing my connection to my Guardian Angels and listening to my intuitions and guides ....

A few weeks ago I was having a lovely conversation with someone that I have known for a while and it was mentioned that I might like to host my Rune workshop down in Portsmouth.  Today that germ of an idea has become a reality and I will be in Portsmouth in September spreading the wisdom of the Runes .... if you had told me a few months ago that I would be doing this I'd have laughed out loud!

It's not that I don't trust the Runes, or that I don't believe in the messages that they give me - it's because of the lack of self-esteem... You see I totally believed the people that told me that I wasn't good enough!

At this point I would like to do a shout out to my Bestie - Trish Sheridan, she's been telling me for years that I need to get out there and work with my Runes and 'share the wealth' and I've resisted, I've dallied and I've pooh pooh'ed the idea - then back in October last year the lovely Sue Owen asked me to host a workshop at her house and before I knew it I'd said yes .......... now here I am working on my fourth workshop......... two in September and I'm actually holding one at my house - time to let the Runes lead me where they want to go .....

I don't know everything there is to know about the Runes, I don't profess to be an expert and I am by no means conventional in the way that I use the Runes - but here's the thing - I don't think it matters they are by definition an oracle of mysteries and no-one really knows about them ....

So, here's to a new journey, an exciting journey and one that I know will be an adventure ....

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