Friday, 25 July 2014


Good evening blog o’mine, 

Something has been rumbling round my brain lately, yep, I know something else to waffle about….

I consider myself to be a tolerant person, I respect others opinions, I respect their right to be who they are without my input, but just lately I’ve noticed that I’m becoming less and less tolerant of rudeness.

I don’t mean swearing, although I would prefer to have a conversation or read something on the internet without the constant F’s and C’s …. But, that is (again) their choice and who am I to judge their vocabulary?

The rudeness I am talking about is the complete and utter disregard for others,  I’ve noticed several times lately when in conversations there is no eye contact, there is no consideration of the other point of view and tempers have flared on more than one occasion …. I should point out here that I am not involved in these conversations I am merely an observer….

I’ve also noticed that there is no holding open of doors, no ‘Good Mornings’ or ‘Night alls’  – people tend to move in their ‘circles’ of friends but even then there is no acknowledgement when people come in or go out ………. And if someone sneezes there are zero ‘Bless yous’… other than me……….

Am I old fashioned?  Am I totally out of touch with the world??  I do feel sometimes that I am living in a parallel universe. 

I have to giggle as I am typing this I am listening to the track “Have a Little Respect” – how apt…

Manners cost nothing, politeness doesn’t mean you are weak, and having some respect for others should be ingrained from birth, in my opinion.

I know that respect is earned and is not a given, but I’m talking about respecting others on a purely basic level here….. It does make me wonder how these people react outside of work, is this lack of interaction purely for the office?

I think, that if we did have more respect for others, more please and thank-you’s, more consideration then the world would be a much happier and pleasant place for all that dwell here….

If that makes me old-fashioned then so be it, I’d rather be old-fashioned than young and hip anyday :)

Love and angel blessings to you all

Lesley x x x

Thursday, 24 July 2014

And the circle ever turns....

.......... and isn't it a wonderful ride :)

I am feeling very blessed and happy today, I am booking workshops and taking courses, sharing the wonderful healing of the Angels and strengthing my connection to my Guardian Angels and listening to my intuitions and guides ....

A few weeks ago I was having a lovely conversation with someone that I have known for a while and it was mentioned that I might like to host my Rune workshop down in Portsmouth.  Today that germ of an idea has become a reality and I will be in Portsmouth in September spreading the wisdom of the Runes .... if you had told me a few months ago that I would be doing this I'd have laughed out loud!

It's not that I don't trust the Runes, or that I don't believe in the messages that they give me - it's because of the lack of self-esteem... You see I totally believed the people that told me that I wasn't good enough!

At this point I would like to do a shout out to my Bestie - Trish Sheridan, she's been telling me for years that I need to get out there and work with my Runes and 'share the wealth' and I've resisted, I've dallied and I've pooh pooh'ed the idea - then back in October last year the lovely Sue Owen asked me to host a workshop at her house and before I knew it I'd said yes .......... now here I am working on my fourth workshop......... two in September and I'm actually holding one at my house - time to let the Runes lead me where they want to go .....

I don't know everything there is to know about the Runes, I don't profess to be an expert and I am by no means conventional in the way that I use the Runes - but here's the thing - I don't think it matters they are by definition an oracle of mysteries and no-one really knows about them ....

So, here's to a new journey, an exciting journey and one that I know will be an adventure ....

Mirror personalities ......

This is something that has been rumbling round my brain for a while - so I thought I'd get it out and put it somewhere where I can see it in black and white and muse upon it ....

First of all - what is a Mirror personality - well, in my opinion they are the people that always seem to be in a group, when you are talking they have had exactly the same experiences as the other people in the group.... sometimes 'bigger and better' .... you know the ones if you have a bad experience in a shop, so did they.  If you have an emotional issue, so do they and they can then empathise with you and you find yourself sharing details that you wouldn't normally .... they get really close to you and you call them friend......

In my experience, a person with a mirror personality has no substance once you scratch the surface, they have no real experiences only what they have heard from other people and these people soon lose friends and find themselves going from group to group and when things go bad it's 'always' the other person, they are jealous, they are bullying, they are manipulative etc.

The 'mirror' will always reflect back to you what you are thinking and feeling, they will come across as the best friend you have ever had - they just so get you! ..... but, in reality they are doing the exact same thing to everyone else that they have in their circle ....

I have, fortunately, only met a handful of people that I would call 'mirrors' and it's always been a relationship that has ended badly - and yep, I've done the whole 'it must be me' thing, where I have blamed myself - I mean how can this person be to blame - they sooooo got me and I must have let them down right?  Wrong! .... a 'mirror' doesn't have real feelings for anyone - they are chameleon like in their dealings with people and when someone comes along that can give them more or are more useful to them then they discard friends like yesterday's newspapers ....

Unfortunately, the downside of knowing a 'mirror' is that once you realise how you have been manipulated and used it's hard to trust - this personality is likely to be quite popular and therefore when the 'friendship' ends you end up losing more than one person as the 'mirror' has gone round the 'group' reflecting back to them all what they want to see .... so, how do you learn to trust again?

Be true to yourself, learn to love yourself, allow yourself to grieve and allow yourself to forgive yourself and them, they can't help their personality and you deserve to know that you did nothing wrong .... forgiveness doesn't mean that you forget, and compassion doesn't mean that you condone - all it means is that you shed light on the part of yourself that needed to be in front of the mirror in the first place ..... it's hard, it's upsetting and it's, at times totally de-moralising, but it's worthwhile...

Eventually, all mirrors lose their shine and begin to crack but by then, you will be surrounded by the love of real friends that don't just reflect back to you but show you when you are wrong, guide you when you are lost and hug you when the going gets tough .....

To an extent we are all 'mirrors' we all have public masks that we put on before we allow people to get close to us and for them to see the real us, the authentic 'warts and all' us.  How can you tell a 'mirror' personality to a genuine person?  Look at how they act, are they the same with everyone, or do they change 'personalities' when they are in different settings?  A 'mirror' will always reflect the environment they are in - so if you are in a group and the group is gossiping and the 'mirror' is slating someone that you've seen them be everso friendly with before - then chances are they are just reflecting so that they can be liked....

Don't be a 'mirror' - show your true self - and let the people that love you really love you warts an all

love and angel blessings to you all

Lesley x x x