Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Yule Blessings ...............

I've been feeling a bit 'down' lately and I know it's because of the time of year - this was my Mum's favourite time of year - by now she'd be surrounded by brightly wrapped parcels and be busily telling me what I should be doing and where I should be .......

This will be the second Christmas without her and the first Christmas without Mother in Law - and being honest - it's not any easier ...... I miss my Mum a lot - I know she's with me in spirit and I feel her around me - but I still miss the physical presence ....... time does heal - just not as fast as I would like!

I got thrust into the role of Matriach - a position I never wanted or asked for - but like anything else that comes my way - I make the best of it ......... I hope!

This year has seen a huuuuuuge change in my personal Path and life, and in some respects that also feels like a death of sorts, people that I spoke to and shared my innermost thoughts and feelings with I barely speak to now...

But............ this is titled Yule Blessings - and I have been blessed this year and I know that like the Tower card in the tarot - change happens for a reason, we may not know why at the time - change is necessary to stop us getting stale and stagnating - so I will look on this time of year now as the time when I can shine - I can make my own traditions for Yule and make my own rites and rituals ........... so, yes, I'm a very blessed woman!!

2014 is going to be my year - it's going to be the year that I kick start my business and know that the Angels walk with me and support me in everything I do - they accept me for who I am 'wart's an all !

So, my lovelies this will probably be the last blog post of the year as I'm (possibly) away with work for the next few days - and then it's round to Dad's to celebrate the Season ......

I wish  you all you wish yourselves in this festive period, be safe, stay warm and above all - cherish and love the people you are with!

love and Angel blessings to you all

Lesley x x x

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