Had a fantastic evening at the Psychic Supper at Chi Coffee on Thursday night. I didn't know what to expect and was slightly worried about how it would be for me with all that energy flowing and my empathy growing and getting stronger - but I needn't have worried it was a blast - I ate with Autumn Ravenflower, Amunhart and Sun and I don't think we stopped giggling from the time we sat down to the time we left .... Bless them - Sun sees my naughty side quite often but Autumn and Amun normally see me leading a workshop or standing centre circle where I try to keep the naughtiness to a minimumn (try and fail) .....
The reading I had (with Polly Harnett) was fantastic - Mum came through and explained why she did some of the stuff she did and realised that it had hurt me and caused me a lot of pain - Mum is now on the road to her enlightenment and releasing all the regrets .... how wonderful is that??!!??
Polly then went on to talk about my Path and how at the moment I'm soaking up all the knowledge and will use it in a way that works for me (apparently I'm quite stubborn and don't like doing things in a set way ......... me??? really???? ) and that I've worked hard to get onto this Path that will now flow and soar for me.... also, that it's ok for my friends to do things without me as I need and will be doing things on my own - teaching being one of them!!! *gulp* .... also, that it's ok for me to say no and to make sure I rest and relax because I'm always on the go!
The next day saw me heading back down to Chi for a day of Tarot sharing and I did a few Angel readings - the more I do the more confident I'm getting with them - so that was good fun then in the evening we did the Shamballa bracelet making workshop - I am so in love with mine ........ They are fairly easy to make as well, as long as someone doesn't speak and break up the under, over, through and pull thought!
Saturday was the Shaman and Chocolate workshop - have to say the title was very misleading as we only had two Maltezers and that's not enough chocolate!! but the actual healing, journeying and energy was amazing - we did several journeys and in one I was handed a gift by my Witch Doctor guide - a white feather, some bones and some herbs - which to me symbolizes what Polly had said the previous day - I will take what I need from the workshops I'm taking and blend them into what will work with me!
The lady that was running the workshop picked up on my love for crystals and said that I would / should do a crystal course - LOL - she also picked up on the fact I like the more unusual crystals ....... how true! She also mentioned that I'd had a tough time but was now soaring .........
I also met a Native American (young lad) and he told me that I should stop with the self-doubt and fears as I had nothing to worry about!
Near the end with did the Walk of Angels - we all paired up and made a tunnel with our hands (for the Brits think Oranges and Lemons game) and then as each of us walked through the people either side whispered something positive about that person ....... I don't remember all that was said - but one thing stayed with me -.....
"Step into your power and don't be afraid"
I'm going to use that as an affirmation and work with that one!
So, that brings me to today - and today has been a bit flat - not least because somehow, somewhere I've lost my Shiva pendulum - I know everything happens for a reason but I still feel totally bereft and want to cry .... I had such a connection with that pendulum it feels like my right hand has been cut off
But, I'm not going to dwell on that - I'm going to rejoice that we can have a double whammy party for Autumn and Amun both students in my Clan at Kitchen Witch School - who have now passed the Forest of Beginnings .......... I'm so proud of them ....
Ohhhh, and we have the Mabon ritual tonight as well ...........
love Raven x x x