Well, the turkey has been eaten, the mince pies have been devoured and far too much wine has been drunk - so what did you find in your stocking.....??
I found in my stocking the true meaning of Christmas, it didn't cost anything, wasn't wrapped and will last forever.......... what is this wonder present I hear you cry............ well, for me it started on Christmas Eve when the hubby and I took our youngest to visit Santa at Longleat - yes it was a fairly expensive trip but the smile on her face was worth every penny........ the house was done out in lots of Fairy tales, we saw Cinderella and her Prince dancing under the biggest tree I have ever seen
It was sitting on the teeny, tiny train to take us to Santa and hearing all the children giggling and laughing and being hyper excited .............yes me too !!!! But I think the biggest thrill for me was the sight and sound of my Mothers' face at the dinner table as we laughed and joked .......... my mother has a disease that is incurable and so moments of pure joy and silliness are to be treasured ...........
It also featured a rather 'fetching' fake fur hat ........... but that's a picture that i've promised not to show :)
Love and blessings to you all
bunni x x x
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
What is Yule................
As a Witch I celebrate Yule AND Christmas with my family.....
But what exactly is Yule...................
It is the celebration of the wheel of the year turning, it is the Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year, it is when the Sun God is reborn. The time of the Holly King is over and the Oak King will return. Light will now begin to return to the land and the crops will once more flourish.
Many of the traditions of Yule are still honoured around the world although they are now thought of as Christian traditions. For instance, Pagans would hang holly as a decoration in the form of a wreath on the door to honour the out going Holly King.
But what exactly is Yule...................
It is the celebration of the wheel of the year turning, it is the Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year, it is when the Sun God is reborn. The time of the Holly King is over and the Oak King will return. Light will now begin to return to the land and the crops will once more flourish.
Many of the traditions of Yule are still honoured around the world although they are now thought of as Christian traditions. For instance, Pagans would hang holly as a decoration in the form of a wreath on the door to honour the out going Holly King.
A Yule Log would be brought in to celebrate his rebirth as Oak King. Today this is in the form of a cake.........YUM!!! Mistletoe, which is sacred to the Sun, is used to invoke fertility hence the kissing under the mistletoe ;-)
Sacred trees were decorated with offerings (The modern Christmas tree only dates back to Victorian times in this country!!!).
Even Santa dates back to Pagan traditions as the original Victorian Card often depicted Santa as a man in Green honouring the Green Man God, it was only in the 1930's when Coca Cola began depicting him as the fat, jolly man we all know today that the image stuck!
Sacred trees were decorated with offerings (The modern Christmas tree only dates back to Victorian times in this country!!!).

It is a time of gift giving and thanks giving to the Goddess and God for the gifts that they will bring to us
I would like to think that whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas or Hanukkah, you will also join me in thinking about others less fortunate than ourselves, by cherishing our family and friends and by caring about all the other life we share this planet with.
I would like to think that whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas or Hanukkah, you will also join me in thinking about others less fortunate than ourselves, by cherishing our family and friends and by caring about all the other life we share this planet with.
Wishing you a bright and blessed Holiday, no matter how you celebrate it!!
love and bright blessings
bunni x x x
Thursday, 15 December 2011
IF ..............
If I was a mirror what would you see
when you happened to glance at me
would you see tears, sorrow and pain
always the victim someone to blame
If I was a mirror what would you see
when you happened to glance at me
would you see laughter, joy and fun
a ray of brightness like the sun
If I was a mirror what would you see
when you happened to glance at me
would you see stubbornness, sheer pride
a chip on the shoulder a mile wide
If I was a mirror what would you see
when you happened to glance at me
would you see friendship powerful and true
winking right back at you
Written 12-11-2007
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Goodwill to all Men..........
Now I admit it - I am a complete nut about this season - I love all the pretty lights and the tinsel and the music ..... but one thing does puzzle me and set me to pondering.........
Why is it that this is the season of peace and goodwill to all men, shouldn't we show goodwill to All no matter what the season?? Shouldn't we extend the hand of friendship and love to all regardless of whether there is a present attached to the other hand???
We show love to our family all year round - why can't we show our neighbours we love them all year round??
It's coming up to that time where we make resolutions - to give up smoking, beer etc - this year why not resolve to treat others as you would your family - be more tolerant, more loving and more generous ....... I don't mean buy everyone you meet a present - but you can give them a smile, it's free, it's hardly any work and may very well be the best thing that has happened to that person all week.
love and bright blessings to all
bunni x x x
Saturday, 10 December 2011
So, what does friendship mean to you??? The dictionary definition of friendship is:
Now, I'm not one to argue with a published work - but - that sounds incredibly dry and doesn't come anywhere near describing my thoughts and feelings about friendship ....
Who is there when things are bad ?
Who is there when things are sad ?
Who is there when you need a shoulder?
Who is there to say you don't look older??
Who will calm your fears and doubts ?
Who will shield you from the louts ?
Who will tell you that they care ?
Who will give you the truth laid bare ?
Who is there when things are bright ?
Who is there when it all goes right ?
Who is there to laugh and sing ?
Who is there with joy to bring ?
Who will laugh and cry with you ?
Who will mock when you are blue ?
Who will give the shirt off their back ?
Who will give the strength you lack ?
There is only one who has the will
Remind you at times to stop and chill
Steal a place inside your heart
And miss you when you are apart
They're the ones that have a special name
They're never scared to take the blame
They are there till the bitter end
They are the ones that I call FRIEND
Two Way Street
Friendship is a two way street
That's what makes it so sweet
Toil and laughter, jokes and tears
Whispered secrets, unfounded fears
To have someone that can relate
And take the P when you are late
Laugh and make the day seem swell
Even when you're not feeling well
To take the woes from off your back
Is a talent mere acquaintances lack
You'll know a friend when troubles here
They're the ones that hold you near
They take the time to make the call
Even if you talk about nothing at all
It works both ways and thats a fact
Make you laugh through lack of tact
I thank my friends for caring about me
Give them everything, 100% loyalty
Can you say the same about you
Are you a giver and a taker too?
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.
Now, I'm not one to argue with a published work - but - that sounds incredibly dry and doesn't come anywhere near describing my thoughts and feelings about friendship ....
Who is there when things are bad ?
Who is there when things are sad ?
Who is there when you need a shoulder?
Who is there to say you don't look older??
Who will calm your fears and doubts ?
Who will shield you from the louts ?
Who will tell you that they care ?
Who will give you the truth laid bare ?
Who is there when things are bright ?
Who is there when it all goes right ?
Who is there to laugh and sing ?
Who is there with joy to bring ?
Who will laugh and cry with you ?
Who will mock when you are blue ?
Who will give the shirt off their back ?
Who will give the strength you lack ?
There is only one who has the will
Remind you at times to stop and chill
Steal a place inside your heart
And miss you when you are apart
They're the ones that have a special name
They're never scared to take the blame
They are there till the bitter end
They are the ones that I call FRIEND
That was written back in 2009 - but it does sum up how I feel about friends - and then there's .....
Friendship is a two way street
That's what makes it so sweet
Toil and laughter, jokes and tears
Whispered secrets, unfounded fears
To have someone that can relate
And take the P when you are late
Laugh and make the day seem swell
Even when you're not feeling well
To take the woes from off your back
Is a talent mere acquaintances lack
You'll know a friend when troubles here
They're the ones that hold you near
They take the time to make the call
Even if you talk about nothing at all
It works both ways and thats a fact
Make you laugh through lack of tact
I thank my friends for caring about me
Give them everything, 100% loyalty
Can you say the same about you
Are you a giver and a taker too?
So, there you have it - my thoughts on friendship!
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Tarot or Oracle ..... What's the difference????
I read both the Tarot and Oracle cards and I'm often asked "What's the difference....", and being honest I've normally replied with "The Oracle has less cards and is easier to shuffle"........
This glib reply is true but it doesn't cover the other differences, so here is a slightly longer reply ....
Both the Tarot and the Oracle cards are a means of Divination, to look into the life of the querrent. They can help when you are at a crossroads and need some guidance. The cards can NOT tell you what is going to happen and if anyone tells you they can ABSOLUTELY guarantee an outcome - keep your money and run in the opposite direction (but I believe that was a previous blog).
The traditional Tarot is a deck of 78 cards - from around the 15th Century - the deck is divided into 4 suits Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles (or Coins) - the 'pip or Minor Arcana' cards start at Aces and like a normal pack of cards end at Kings. Then you get the 'Major Arcana' - these are the cards most people know - like Death, Tower, The Lovers, Hanged Man etc. In the early days these cards were used as playing cards!!!
Don't worry I'm not going to get all historical on you!!!
The Oracle differs in that there are less cards and they are not split into 'suits' nor do they have Major Arcana and they are often based on a 'theme' for example - I have the Wisdom of Avalon, Earth Magic, Angel Therapy ..... to name a few!!
Both the Tarot and the Oracle cards are used the same way, you can use the same spreads (my personal favourite of Past, Present, Future)!
Well............ now you know why I give the shorter answer when asked!!
love and bright blessings to all
x x x
This glib reply is true but it doesn't cover the other differences, so here is a slightly longer reply ....
Both the Tarot and the Oracle cards are a means of Divination, to look into the life of the querrent. They can help when you are at a crossroads and need some guidance. The cards can NOT tell you what is going to happen and if anyone tells you they can ABSOLUTELY guarantee an outcome - keep your money and run in the opposite direction (but I believe that was a previous blog).
The traditional Tarot is a deck of 78 cards - from around the 15th Century - the deck is divided into 4 suits Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles (or Coins) - the 'pip or Minor Arcana' cards start at Aces and like a normal pack of cards end at Kings. Then you get the 'Major Arcana' - these are the cards most people know - like Death, Tower, The Lovers, Hanged Man etc. In the early days these cards were used as playing cards!!!
Don't worry I'm not going to get all historical on you!!!
The Oracle differs in that there are less cards and they are not split into 'suits' nor do they have Major Arcana and they are often based on a 'theme' for example - I have the Wisdom of Avalon, Earth Magic, Angel Therapy ..... to name a few!!
Both the Tarot and the Oracle cards are used the same way, you can use the same spreads (my personal favourite of Past, Present, Future)!
Well............ now you know why I give the shorter answer when asked!!
love and bright blessings to all
x x x
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Akashic Records
What is the Akashic Record......
Tonight I am having my records read by the wonderful and talented Trish, I've never had this done before and I can't think of any person I'd rather have 'do' it!
But, this got me thinking, how do you find a reputable psychic, reader, medium, Seer - we can all access the WWW and I doubt I am the only one that has seen the adverts for spells to win the lottery or to make you irresistible to the opposite sex........
Personally, my rule of thumb is to read the testimonials, see what others are saying about them, and trust your gut instinct - if it sounds too good to be true - or too hinky, then it probably is I would say don't believe everything you read - there are NO fail safe spells that will let you win the lottery - think about it - if there was then there would be thousands of very rich Witches out there.....!!!
I would also, personally, steer clear of any site that 'guarantees' the results of a tarot reading ..... they can't, it's as simple as that - all Divination method is guide to what may happen if you follow a course of action - the reader can not predict that the tall, dark, handsome stranger is going to fall at your feet and worship you forever. It's improbable and impossible .........
So, I would say do your homework, ask around and check them out - ask them questions before the reading - no true healer or reader will be put off or offended if you asked them about their Craft..........
love and bright blessings to you all
bunni x x x
The Akashic Record is the past, present and future knowledge of all things. It is a record of the Souls' journey since its inception as well as possibilities of its future enfoldment. The Akashic Record is referred to in virtually every ancient spiritual teaching. It is known in the Bible as "The Book of Life"
Tonight I am having my records read by the wonderful and talented Trish, I've never had this done before and I can't think of any person I'd rather have 'do' it!
But, this got me thinking, how do you find a reputable psychic, reader, medium, Seer - we can all access the WWW and I doubt I am the only one that has seen the adverts for spells to win the lottery or to make you irresistible to the opposite sex........
Personally, my rule of thumb is to read the testimonials, see what others are saying about them, and trust your gut instinct - if it sounds too good to be true - or too hinky, then it probably is I would say don't believe everything you read - there are NO fail safe spells that will let you win the lottery - think about it - if there was then there would be thousands of very rich Witches out there.....!!!
I would also, personally, steer clear of any site that 'guarantees' the results of a tarot reading ..... they can't, it's as simple as that - all Divination method is guide to what may happen if you follow a course of action - the reader can not predict that the tall, dark, handsome stranger is going to fall at your feet and worship you forever. It's improbable and impossible .........
So, I would say do your homework, ask around and check them out - ask them questions before the reading - no true healer or reader will be put off or offended if you asked them about their Craft..........
love and bright blessings to you all
bunni x x x
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Santa Claus is coming to town...............
Yay, tis the Season to be jolly.....
I do love this time of year, all the pretty sparkly baubles, the pretty bows and ribbons and yes I get overexcited.. Hubby gets very grumpy as I am always first up on Christmas morning and that's generally after about 2 hours of interrupted, waiting for Santa sleep!!!! .... and it's not for me - I love seeing others faces as they open their gifts...
Christmas Day is the one day of the year where TV is banned, we sit around playing games and when the kiddies are in bed then we get the cards out or the Trivial Pursuit and drink and chat and generally be silly...
Has it changed since I was a child, well yes, firstly the family has shrunk, as my Sister, Brother and I have married and had children we've done different things, so we rarely get together on Christmas Day, but we do get together on Old Years Night...........
Has Christmas become more commercialised, I don't know, as a child, teenager, young adult - I can't remember seeing all the adverts on the TV - but that's because I rarely watched it......
I remember as a child that Christmas started on my Dad's birthday 16th December - the Saturday closest to that day was the day the tree (Old Faithful) was put up - and it was an honour to be asked to hang the baubles and the same baubles went on year after year ......... I still look for them now - when my daughter and my Dad do the tree ......... bookworm was always my favourite :-)!!
Ahh, the memories, the fun, the laughter - these are the blessings of Christmas for me ......... and this year I hope to make more memories for my family and for me!!
love and bright blessings to all
bunni x x x
I do love this time of year, all the pretty sparkly baubles, the pretty bows and ribbons and yes I get overexcited.. Hubby gets very grumpy as I am always first up on Christmas morning and that's generally after about 2 hours of interrupted, waiting for Santa sleep!!!! .... and it's not for me - I love seeing others faces as they open their gifts...
Christmas Day is the one day of the year where TV is banned, we sit around playing games and when the kiddies are in bed then we get the cards out or the Trivial Pursuit and drink and chat and generally be silly...
Has it changed since I was a child, well yes, firstly the family has shrunk, as my Sister, Brother and I have married and had children we've done different things, so we rarely get together on Christmas Day, but we do get together on Old Years Night...........
Has Christmas become more commercialised, I don't know, as a child, teenager, young adult - I can't remember seeing all the adverts on the TV - but that's because I rarely watched it......
I remember as a child that Christmas started on my Dad's birthday 16th December - the Saturday closest to that day was the day the tree (Old Faithful) was put up - and it was an honour to be asked to hang the baubles and the same baubles went on year after year ......... I still look for them now - when my daughter and my Dad do the tree ......... bookworm was always my favourite :-)!!
Ahh, the memories, the fun, the laughter - these are the blessings of Christmas for me ......... and this year I hope to make more memories for my family and for me!!
love and bright blessings to all
bunni x x x
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
My Journey....
Last time I posted the Wiccan Rede and got kinda sidetracked (that happens a lot so bear with me...) and I've just realised that I've never chronicled the start of my journey.
I've always had a fascination for all things magickal. But, I've always had a weakness for Witches. My first love was for the Wicked Witch of the West, think she was hard done by really!! then Samantha, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (ohh to have a familiar like Salem!) and then onto Practical Magick and Charmed!
I always knew I was 'different' from an early age, I questioned my Sunday School teachers and I stopped going to Church when I was told that I would be sent to Hell because my mother drank Gin .... I couldn't understand that, especially when Jesus turned water into wine - so when did alcohol become a Sin??? (I'm still puzzled by that one!!)
I don't follow the herd - if someone tells me to do something I want to know WHY i'm doing it, how will it impact on others if I do it and what will happen to me if I don't do it ......
Anyway, for years this was just a vague notion that I didn't 'fit' with any organised Religion and just bumbling around on my own ..... then the Divine stepped in ......
You know how it is when you are a wife, mother, work full time and have a house - you never quite have enough hours to do all that you want to do - and when you do find the time you feel like you should be doing something else ..... well, that was me - always rushing to do the next thing - or worrying about this, that and the other until I went to my niece's 18th party and while dancing with my brother I snapped my Achilles Tendon ......... well 12 weeks of enforced rest and suddenly I had all the time in the world to surf the internet ........ now there are only so many games you can play, and so I found myself one day keying in the word Wiccan into google read some sites, read some more, ordered some books, read them, surfed some more, read more books and found what I'd been searching for .......... a name for my beliefs .......... a name for my values ........... a name for me ..........
love and bright blessings to all
bunni x x x
(PS: .... for those interested I snapped my tendon whilst dancing the Can-Can........... )
I've always had a fascination for all things magickal. But, I've always had a weakness for Witches. My first love was for the Wicked Witch of the West, think she was hard done by really!! then Samantha, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (ohh to have a familiar like Salem!) and then onto Practical Magick and Charmed!
I always knew I was 'different' from an early age, I questioned my Sunday School teachers and I stopped going to Church when I was told that I would be sent to Hell because my mother drank Gin .... I couldn't understand that, especially when Jesus turned water into wine - so when did alcohol become a Sin??? (I'm still puzzled by that one!!)
I don't follow the herd - if someone tells me to do something I want to know WHY i'm doing it, how will it impact on others if I do it and what will happen to me if I don't do it ......
Anyway, for years this was just a vague notion that I didn't 'fit' with any organised Religion and just bumbling around on my own ..... then the Divine stepped in ......
You know how it is when you are a wife, mother, work full time and have a house - you never quite have enough hours to do all that you want to do - and when you do find the time you feel like you should be doing something else ..... well, that was me - always rushing to do the next thing - or worrying about this, that and the other until I went to my niece's 18th party and while dancing with my brother I snapped my Achilles Tendon ......... well 12 weeks of enforced rest and suddenly I had all the time in the world to surf the internet ........ now there are only so many games you can play, and so I found myself one day keying in the word Wiccan into google read some sites, read some more, ordered some books, read them, surfed some more, read more books and found what I'd been searching for .......... a name for my beliefs .......... a name for my values ........... a name for me ..........
love and bright blessings to all
bunni x x x
(PS: .... for those interested I snapped my tendon whilst dancing the Can-Can........... )
Monday, 28 November 2011
The Wiccan Rede
Today I thought I'd talk about the Rede / Law and what it means to me..... First of all here we go in full ..
Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.
For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.
Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,let love and light be our guides again.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.
Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God'sinsight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.
Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.
Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.
Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.
As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.
When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.
Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.
In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.
Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.
Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.
With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.
Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.
These Eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
Now that's one version, there are many, many, many others out there - but the last 8 words are pretty much universally taken as the Wiccan Rede...
This is my truth, this is how I live my life I am not Wiccan, I am a Witch, but I do live my life by the An It Harm None.....
However, this does not (as some believe) absolve me from any guilt or wrongdoing .... I can't speak ill of someone and then say "well, they didn't hear me so therefore it harmed none" neither can I go out and do exactly what I want to do regardless because it's MY will .....
I, personally, think that we live in a society that at the moment seems to be that of a blame culture, people are being sued left, right and centre because it's so easy - I think the world would be a much nicer place if everyone listened just a bit more to the moral compass inside them. It doesn't HAVE to be the Rede, it could be the Bible... "do unto others..." - but until that time ..... I will continue to live my truth, in light and love of the Goddess!!
love and bright blessings to all
bunni x x x
Sunday, 27 November 2011
First ever blog............
Well, it's been a bit of a while but finally I've put finger to keyboard to blog - seems like the right time to do so ... what is this blog in aid of......... well, I am on a journey, it's a journey I have been on for a number of years now and it's one I love, so I will be using this blog to post interesting items I find on my travels round the WWW. To post my thoughts on books, LOL, like me this blog will vary from the comical to the sad and back again - and who knows........... maybe some of my poetry may find it's way here too :D
Love and bright blessings to all
Bunni x x x
Love and bright blessings to all
Bunni x x x
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